Ive been away for a bit, but now Im back...I got a pm about a song request...I think it was umm..Hunter's Chance from FF9...Im going to start working on that in between learning to play electric guitar (woot new Lotus guitar)**EDIT**Put a picture of what my guitar looks like**EDIT**...Anyways..I'll start on that song asap...Cya everyone...and thanks to all my fans:
1. Acery
2. Chadda1st
3. Chaos-impact
4. doomsinger
5. gamios1200
6. Hellbuster
7. karidan
8. Keli1989
9. King-Kasai
10. LadyMage
11. marco-polo-911
12. naruto-131575
13. OperationXandZero
14. Outernet
15. pieslaughta
16. RBB
17. Sasuke446
18. Saturn500
19. SpikeAlpha
20. ss2vegeta
21. technomancer21
22. TehSeph
23. TimeForKeyblades
24. Xantan
Its because of u guyz that i keep making music...And to the rest of my fans...I hope I can be a good artist for you someday. :)